ISCEI 19 2025 to Address Major Challenges in Social Entrepreneurship

organization ISCEI

The ISCEI is an organisation that brings together socialpreneurs and social entrepreneurial businesses with the intention of addressing major societal concerns and finding innovative solutions. It is open to social entrepreneur organisations of all sizes and missions, to help raise awareness and expand the social entrepreneurial cause. The ISCEI hosts conferences all over the world, bringing ideas from every corner and highlighting key societal problems and issues that must be tackled.

Defining Social Entrepreneurship and Socialpreneurs

The main goal of social entrepreneurship is to address social issues such as education, health, poverty, sustainability and inequality. As opposed to traditional entrepreneurship, that is aimed at making a financial profit, social entrepreneurship does not primarily focus on financial returns. There are different scales of social entrepreneurship, ranging from small community-based groups to large international organizations with a global reach.

A social entrepreneur, or socialpreneur by definition, is a person who uses their skills and resources to start a business that will help others. Socialpreneurs don’t necessarily need to make non-profit businesses, they can make a profit through their business or use a hybrid plan in which a portion of their financial returns are contributed to their main goal. Primarily though, these organisations and movements are aimed at servicing the greater good, focusing on social endeavours over profit or growth.

Who is the Social Entrepreneurship Conference For

Anyone who has a social entrepreneurship or is interested in either starting one or taking part in an already established organisation is welcome to join the ISCEI conference. It provides a detailed and high quality analysis of issues that societies face and how individuals and organisations are tackling these issues. By assessing different strategies and models, individuals can learn from others and find out how to join social entrepreneurship businesses or increase the effectiveness of their own businesses.

Social Entrepreneurship Conference

Insights from Academics and Researchers

Statistics and data analysis are crucial to finding social entrepreneurial solutions. The conference will feature a detailed analysis of market trends and how to engage larger societies in the practise of social entrepreneurship. Individuals can learn about how to tailor their efforts to increase productivity and effectiveness.

Philanthropists and Investors Share Their Experiences

Listening to longtime philanthropists and investors in social entrepreneurship can be eye-opening for younger or smaller businesses. With their experience of charitable foundations and movements, they can provide insights into how a business can run successfully in the long term. It is also a good platform for aspiring socialpreneurs to broaden their network and reach out to individuals with a greater pool of resources.

Planning Strategy from Leaders

NGA and non-profit organisation leaders will give seminars on major issues and how they handle market volatility and changes. Their experience in building sustainable funding models, network expanding partnerships, integrating new technologies and increasing the visibility of their own businesses can be extremely valuable to startups and socialpreneurs who are planning to form their own businesses.

First Steps from Students and Aspiring Socialpreneurs

Individuals do not need to have prior experience with traditional entrepreneurship nor do they need to have an extensive track record of public service. The conference is aimed for anyone who has an interest in social entrepreneurship, and how anyone can get involved. From students to working individuals, there are lots of ways in which individuals can participate, and this conference will show them how they can get started.

When and Where the ISCEI Will Take Place

The ISCEI will take place in Bangkok, Thailand. The cosmopolitan city has a great mixture of communities and is the perfect place for a conference that focuses on innovation and social impact. It will have state of the art facilities and key speakers from the East and the West uniting to deliver quality insights for individuals and organisations. Through workshops, networking sessions and seminars, it promises to be an inspiring experience for anyone who is interested in getting involved.

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